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Working Papers

Las publicaciones de esta serie son ensayos cortos que presentan argumentos académicos, propuestas de políticas públicas o análisis empíricos y cuantitativos para contribuir al debate ciudadano sobre temas de relevancia pública.

Foto: Abhi Sharma

Data Feast

Data Feast: Enterprises and Personal Data in Latin America

Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft now possess an ability to reconfigure the behaviour of individuals, clients, and citizens globally. How Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico are responding?
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Negotiating from the Margins: Women’s Participation in Colombian Peace Processes (1982–2016)

In this book, we offer an examination of and recommendations for women’s participation in Colombia’s peace processes, with an eye toward strengthening spaces for participation and, in doing so, ensuring that the peace accord is ultimately translated into long-term social pacts that are inclusive and committed to justice and equity.
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The Sarayaku and the Inter-American System on Human Rights: Justice for the “Medio Dia” People and their Living Jungle

Mario Melo Cevallos, lawyer of the Kichwa people of Sarayaku, presents his version of the history of resistance and mobilization of the indigenous people before the State plans to exploit the oil that was in the heart of the Amazon.
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Accountability of Google and other data-driven business models: data protection in the digital age

In this document we analyze the privacy policies of 30 companies with data-driven business models that collect data in Colombia and identify practices that have not been sufficiently contemplated by the personal data protection regime currently applicable in our country.
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Fraught with pain

Fraught with Pain: Access to Palliative Care and Treatment for Heroin Use Disorder in Colombia

This books seeks to facilitate linkages between discussions on the right to health and discussions on drug policy reform. The populations we talk about here are the noes most in need of a change whereby drug culture measures cease to stand in the way of a life free from pain.
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Palliative Care: A Human Rights Approach to Health Care

Este texto es una traducción al inglés del documento “Cuidados paliativos: El abordaje de la atención en salud desde un enfoque de derechos humanos”, publicada en agosto de 2016. En esta edición la información estadística no fue actualizada.
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