Area-Global South & North Collaborations (Internationalization)
Justice, crisis and reforms
These environmental, climate and economic crises have been compounded by the return of international wars and their enormous toll of both victims and damage, as well as the rise of authoritarian regimes.
Read MoreClimate justice requires a development agenda from the South
COP 28 revealed the tensions between climate ambitions and actual actions. How to implement development and cooperation strategies in line with climate justice in the Global South?
Read MoreA story of uncertainty and access to information: the search for missing persons in Latin America
Although the contexts in Mexico and Colombia are different, both cases highlight the importance of accessing judicial and extrajudicial information as a necessary prerequisite for the success of searches and the relief of family members.
Read More3 challenges to the human rights agenda in 2024: a Global South perspective
We present El Sur Global, an international newsletter to discuss international situations and trends from a human rights perspective.
Read MoreThe challenges of Colombia’s foreign policy towards Venezuela
The relationship between these two countries affects regional stability. Less migration, conflict, and injustice will generate greater peace and democratic and economic growth for Latin America.
Read MoreUnbearable Heat: Climate Displacement and Hardened Borders in the Americas
Instead of restrictive policies that further endanger people seeking asylum or refuge due to climate change and the violence unleashed by this phenomenon, governments in the Americas must establish pathways for displaced individuals, who often belong to marginalized communities, to find safety.
Read MoreOpen call for Global North fellowships 2024
This opportunity, for the second semester of 2024, allows for the exchange of tools and research-action strategies developed at Dejusticia, as well as the contributions of interns and fellows with their own experiences and those of their organizations.
Read MoreWhat is happening in Peru? The question of difficult answers
Two months after the self-coup and subsequent dismissal of Pedro Castillo, we take stock of what has happened and what are the possible solutions to the critical moment this country is going through.
Read MoreIs Democracy in Brazil at stake?
Following what some consider a coup attempt on January 8, Brazil’s federal powers are taking action against the far right. Will they be able to act decisively without undermining the institutions they defend?
Read MoreThe immigration policy of the United States and its implications in Latin America
The United States has implemented different measures to prevent the entry of migrants and refugees into its territory, including extending its immigration policy to Latin American countries.
Read MoreThe binationality of the Wayuu people: the pending debt of Venezuela and Colombia
The Wayuu arrive in Colombia to seek refuge but crashes with a wall that prevents them from accessing social services and fundamental rights: the Colombian State has not recognized the binationality of the Wayuu people in practice.
Read MoreThe binationality of the Wayuu people: the vision from their cosmology
The Wayuu people have demanded the recognition of their binationality, appealing to the legal and political link that unites them with Colombia and Venezuela, which should translate into a full guarantee of rights and citizenship in both countries.
Read MoreNew Report: Misuse of Technologies in Emergency Responses
Three years after the begin of the Covid-19 pandemic, the ECNL, INCLO, and Privacy International published a report on how states use surveillance technologies to weaken Human Rights within their territories with the excuse of the fight against the virus.
Read MoreUnder Surveillance: (Mis)use of Technologies in Emergency Responses
Surveillance technologies exacerbated the impacts of Covid-19 emergency measures on civic space by allowing governments to collect fine-grained data about individuals while also working across large scales of information, in a way that has been unprecedented in the history of global pandemics.
Read MoreEnergy transition and human rights in the Global South
The lack of a human rights and energy policy feeds the growing conflict in the territories. It will be hard to end all forms of violence associated with our reliance on fossil fuels at any cost until we decide to retrace our steps by focusing on a just transition.
Read MoreThe Sarayaku and the Inter-American System on Human Rights: Justice for the “Medio Dia” People and their Living Jungle
Mario Melo Cevallos, lawyer of the Kichwa people of Sarayaku, presents his version of the history of resistance and mobilization of the indigenous people before the State plans to exploit the oil that was in the heart of the Amazon.
Read MoreFrom repression to migration: The case of Rufo Chacón
Rufo Chacón, in the company of his mother, is preparing to travel to Spain, where he will get the surgical intervention needed to improve his condition.
Read MoreThe Sierra, Displaced
I thought about their story, the people and the situations they must have faced. I honored that by feeling the strength of the land and that the stone had witnessed the same. –Tiokasin, Lakota leader
Read More7th Global Action-Research Workshop for Young Human Rights Advocates
The goal of the Workshop is to strengthen the writing and advocacy skills of the participants.
Read MoreEighth Global Action-Research Workshop for Young Human Rights Advocates
We invite applications from young professionals from the Global South who are engaged in advocacy around migration
Read MoreA Hop, Skip, and a Jungle Away: From the Global South to Sarayaku
Nearly all of the indigenous leaders who joined us for the workshop had some troubles in transit, which is clearly not an accident.
Read MoreMy Name is Nobody
As a human being, Alba needs to be able to assume her identity without fear. But if the conditions she experiences persist and the impacts on her health are made invisible, she could end up having this name that no human being should ever have – whether as a survival mechanism or because of her state of marginalization.
Read MoreTransnational Advocacy Networks
Activists, particularly those based in the global South, have accumulated a wealth of experience in dealing with a range of transnational networks operating in diverse issue areas. New theoretical understandings have reflected this accumulating experience.
Read MoreDejusticia intervenes in defense of Venezuelan migrants’ right to health
The Constitutional Court invited Dejusticia to present their legal opinion on two cases concerning the right to health of people coming from Venezuela.
Read MoreJustice through Transitions: Conflict, Peacemaking and Human Rights in the Global South
What does justice mean in times of transition? What kinds of possibilities and dissapointments emerge from processes of seeking justice through transition? How might we understand these processes through narrative?
Read MoreTaxes on soft drinks in the Americas: trend or necessity
More than a trend, the increasing number of countries implementing a tax on soft drinks shows that this kind of fiscal measure is a cost-efficient policy to tackle the obesity epidemic in the Americas.
Read MoreJuan Pedro Lares: The freed prisoner that never was
Juan Pedro Lares, a 24-year old Colombian-Venezuelan young man, who was abducted by a hundred civilian-dressed members of the Venezuelan Intelligence, the National Guard, the police, and armed civilian groups from his family’s home in July of last year was finally set free . But a feeling of injustice still lingers.
Read MorePalliative Care: A Human Rights Approach to Health Care
This edition is an English translation of “Cuidados paliativos: El abordaje de la atención en salud desde un enfoque de derechos humanos”, published by Dejusticia in August 2016; the data was not updated for the English translation.
Read MoreHuman Rights Due Diligence to Identify, Prevent and Account for Human Rights Impacts by Business Enterprises
The aim of this document is to present to the IACHR, as it develops a report with guidelines for Business and Human rights and as it engages more generally with human rights violations in the context of business activities, a summary of the main areas of concern with regard to human rights due diligence.
Read MoreRising to the Populist Challenge
This book collects and analyzes a repertoire of responses by human rights organizations to the crackdown against civil society in the populist context.
This document focuses on implementation and access to effective remedies in the context of business activities. It also collects Inter-American standards that have an impact on the monitoring and on plans for the implementation of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Moreover, it collects examples of practices that must improve in order to protect human rights in the context of business enterprises.
Read MoreGlobalization and Human Rights Book Series
The series provides unique and multi-disciplinary perspectives on the interface of the global economy and human rights. It offers space for exploring the challenges of globalization, the role of human rights in framing and shaping regulation and politics and, more critically whether human rights are a mere product or legitimation of globalization.
Read MoreBusiness and Human Rights. Beyond the End of the Beginning
The regulation of business in the global economy poses one of the main challenges for governance, as illustrated by the dynamic scholarly and policy debates about the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and a possible international treaty on the matter.
Read MoreIntervention before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in follow-up to the situation of the Sarayaku people of Ecuador
Dejusticia, EarthRights International and the Foundation for Due Process presented an intervention before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the follow-up that this court is giving to the situation of the Sarayaku people of Ecuador.
Read MoreWe presented a tutela in favor of the right consumers have to receive information on the amount of sugarpresent in the beverages we drink
Dejusticia and other organizations filed a tutela regarding the Industry and Commerce Oversight Agency ban of a commercial by Educating Consumers that addressed health effects of excessive sugary drinks consumption.
Read MoreDejusticia and other organizations intervene in protection case on behalf of Wayúu children
on 19 july, Dejusticia, along with the National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (ONIC), the Civic Committee for the Dignity of La Guajira, and the Committee of Support for Popular Communities (CODACOP), and several leaders of the Wayúu peoples, sent to the Supreme Court of Justice of Colombia a brief in support of the citizen-led protection case on behalf of Wayúu boys and girls, who are facing grave danger due to a widespread situation of hunger and lack of drinking water in the department of La Guajira.
Read MoreHuman Rights Case Against Former Bolivian President for Role in 2003 Massacre Cleared to Move Forward
Court of Appeals Rejects Defendants’ Attempt to Have Case Dismissed
Read MoreDejusticia Intervenes in Favor of Migrant Woman in Bolivia who Was Sterilized without Her Consent
Dejusticia intervenes before the Inter-American Court on Human Rights in the case of a migrant woman in Bolivia who was sterilized without her informed consent.
Read MoreIntervention Litigating Article that Establishes Sales Tax
We intervened before the Constitution Court litigating the unconstitutionality of Numera 3 of Article 171 of Law 1607 of 2012, that modifies taxes and establish a sales tax.
Read MoreDejusticia’s Director Intervenes before the Inter-American Court on Human Rights on Fazenda Brazil Workers Case
César Rodríguez Garavito, Dejusticia’s director, intervened as an expert witness in the first case that debates forced work in the Americas, regarding the complaint of slave work in Brazil.
Read MoreAmicus Curiae in Favor of the Right to Prior Consultation of Mayan Communities in Mexico
This amicus curiae seeks to support the actions of the Mayan communities from Pach-Chan and Canabchen to ask that their right to prior consultation be respected in the case against Monsanto’s genetically modified soy crops.
Read MoreDejusticia Intervenes in Favor of an Activist that Defended the Sawhoya Community in Paraguay
The International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR-Net) and Dejusticia presented an intervention in favor of the lawyer Julia Cabello, executive coordinator of Tierraviva, who was sued by the Minister Gladys Bareiro de Módica.
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