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Protests in Colombia: 650 civil society organizations call for urgent action from IACHR

Given the fragile institutional situation and the seriousness of human rights violations in Colombia, a group of 650 organizations, including Dejusticia, made a joint call to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) asking to energetically condemn the acts of violence and repression of social protest in Colombia and to visit the country to verify…

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Colombia: an act of faith?

Despite the fact that we, Colombians, have a certain sentimental nationalism, we lack the capacity to act collectively to undertake large global projects. We must build national cohesion based on a story that unites us within our own diversity.

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The other war

In Colombia, about four thousand people are killed each year in motorcycle accidents. Motorcycles are leaving behind a tragedy of the dead and the disabled, which responds to the lack of education and effective regulation.

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Minimalist peace and robust peace

The first conclusion is that minimalist peace is the only possible peace with the State and the political class that we currently have. Robust peace will only be viable with changes in power and the political system, driven by civil society, movements and parties, beginning with parliamentary and presidential elections next year.

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Territorial Justice System for Peace

This book is part of the collection Documents for Peacebuilding in which Dejusticia presents ideas to face the complex challenge of building a stable and lasting peace in the post-agreement period. This specific document addresses the need to strengthen the national judicial system in an articulated manner and with an emphasis on rural areas and on overcoming the armed justice that operates in many places.

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Artículo de Litigio

Gender focus in rural reform is important but insufficient

The Gender-in-Peace Working Group -GPAZ, a group of which Dejusticia is a member, took part in the Public Hearing convened by the Constitutional Court, within the framework of the informal constitutional review of Decree 902 of 2017 “to facilitate the implementation of the Comprehensive Rural Reform contemplated in the Final Land Agreement, specifically the procedure for access and formalization and the Land Fund.”

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Artículo de Litigio

Dejusticia and Cimarrón intervened before the Constitutional Court to oppose racial discrimination in the workplace

The Constitutional Court is about to end the legal struggle that Jonh Jak Becerra undertook six years ago, after being a victim of racial discrimination at work. Dejusticia and Cimarrón called for the protection of the rights to equality, non-discrimination, decent work and due process.

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