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Everything You Need to Know About the Colombian Peace Process

César Rodríguez Garavito, Executive Director of Dejusticia, gives a crash course on these complex aspects of the Colombian transition to peace in this talk at the American University of Beirut sponsored by The Legal Agenda and Issam Fares Institute. 

Who are the parties to the Colombian conflict that made it a complex war that endured for more than five decades? What made possible the signing of a peace accord between the Colombian government and the guerilla group FARC in 2016, and its eventual rejection in a national referendum? What are the politics behind the accord and how will it affect its implementation process, especially as the Colombian people elect a new president in 2018?

César Rodríguez Garavito, Executive Director of Dejusticia, gives a crash course on these complex aspects of the Colombian transition to peace in this talk at the American University of Beirut sponsored by The Legal Agenda and Issam Fares Institute.

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