Indigenous Leaders of the World: Register for the Third Global Indigenous Workshop
The concept of the “living jungle” will be the guide for this workshop, which will occur in December in the territory of the Sarayaku in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Applications open until July 10.
Send all documents to the Information Center for Prior Consultation at [email protected] before July 10, 2019.
The Center for Law, Justice and Society (Dejusticia) invite indigenous leaders from around American, Asia and Africa to participate in the Third Global Indigenous Workshop, which will take place in December 2019 in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
A group of 15 indigenous leaders will be selected to travel to the territory of the Sarayaku, a community located in the south-central region of the Ecuadorian Amazon. The Sarayaku are characterized by their struggle against industries that, without prior consultation, attempt to explore and exploit petroleum in their jungle.
Video: The case of the Sarayaku
The workshop, which will last one week, seeks to build networks between indigenous communities, as well as provide an environment in which members of distinct communities can share strategies for responding to common challenges.
This year, participants will discuss a topic of universal concern: the fight against climate change and extractive industries to protect forests and jungles. This theme was inspired by the concept of the “living jungle” or Kawsak Sacha, developed by the Sarayaku community.
Video: Learn about the importance of Kawsak Sacha in Sarayaku
With training sessions and workshops on strategic litigation, social mobilization, multimedia communication and activism in human rights and the rights of indigenous communities, the workshop seeks to empower indigenous leaders with potent tools for defending their territories and for fighting for the survival of their people.
The sessions are led by social leaders and international experts with a wide range of experience in activism and research on the rights of indigenous communities.
Objectives of the Global Indigenous Workshop
- Build networks between indigenous activists and organizations in the Global South
- Strengthen participants’ abilities in analysis, activism and mobilization through training sessions and collective reflection on these topics
- Create a global strategy for promoting and defending territories and “living jungles.”
Participant Profile
- To participate, you must be a leader of an indigenous community from the Americas (including the United States and Canada), Africa or Asia, with prior experience in the defense of community rights.
- You must be between 25 and 40 years of age, and be affiliated with an indigenous community organization.
- Likewise, you must be interested in improving and building knowledge around the defense and protection of the rights of indigenous communities, enhancing networks of solidarity between different causes and participating in a long term legal and political strategy.
- There will be translation between Spanish and English throughout the workshop; therefore, it is necessary that the applicant has a high level in at least one of these two languages.
- The applicant must submit a letter of recommendation from the indigenous organization for which they work. This letter should include the applicant’s name, the position they hold and their primary duties. (Please submit the letter as a Word document, PDF, or .txt file.)
- The applicant must also submit a text (maximum 2 pages, size 12 font, 1.5 spacing), video or radio program that presents one of the cases that they are working on. This submission should explain the applicant’s role in the case, the strategy being used, the results (achieved or expected) and the means of evaluation.
- Send all documents to the Information Center for Prior Consultation at [email protected] before July 10, 2019.
Publication of Results
Decisions will be announced in the first week of August.
The cost of the trip, transportation, housing, workshop materials and food will be covered for all participants.
Dates of the course
12 to 19 of 2019
Deadline to submit an application:
July 10, 2019