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Press & Communications

Photo: Alan Levine

Institutional Communications & Journalism

We amplify Dejusticia's impact by developing powerful communications strategies, including pedagogical, activist and disruptive communications. We also impact public debates through our journalistic work.

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We have fellowships for defenders from the Global South: Be part of the 2025 cohort!

This opportunity allows human rights defenders from countries in the Global South who are in emergency or high-risk situations to develop their projects and participate in an academic and cultural exchange in a safe space. Apply before January 31, 2025.

Justice for victims of the armed conflict in Peru, again at risk

Law 32107 blocks investigations and sanctions for war crimes prior to 2002 in Peru. This affects more than 69,000 victims of the armed conflict, mainly indigenous and peasant communities, perpetuating impunity, exclusion and making social reconciliation difficult in a polarized country.

The Darien route: a journey of survival that calls for more humane migration policies

Migration through the Darién reflects a humanitarian and human rights crisis. Restrictive policies, external influences and socioeconomic contexts deepen these migratory flows. It's urgent that Latin American countries develop regional policies based on human rights to protect migrants and communities.

Colombia: going back to the original balance of justice

The 2016 Peace Agreement between the Government of Colombia and the FARC guerrilla recognized previous institutional developments, including the multiple transitional justice mechanisms. An example ...

The immigration policy of the United States and its implications in Latin America

Latin American countries face multiple challenges in dealing with migratory flows that involve people of different nationalities. In particular, forced migration from Venezuela has imposed ...

The binationality of the Wayuu people: the pending debt of Venezuela and Colombia

In this second entry, we show why understanding the territory from Wayuu's thought is essential to overcoming the humanitarian crisis suffered by these people. The ...

The binationality of the Wayuu people: the vision from their cosmology

What for Venezuela and Colombia is a border, for the Wayuu people is the space where they have always lived, a territory in which families ...

Energy transition and human rights in the Global South

For the past six decades, the global energy supply crisis has been a crucial topic at every international conference on climate change as the main ...

Resisting authoritarian tendencies in Latin America

Human rights in Latin America are at risk. In the last five years, 42% of the countries in the region experienced decreases in liberties. In ...

Colombian Democracy in the Streets

Although protests in Colombia have been increasing since the 1990s, they have grown noticeably following the signing of the peace agreements in 2016. Until then ...

From Snow Angels to a Humanitarian Emergency

The humanitarian emergency occurring in the state of Texas (USA) as a result of winter storm Uri challenges the assumption that the Global North, because ...
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