Judges Without the State
By Mauricio García Villegas |
This book is the outcome of a research made in Colombia between 2005 and 2007 on judges working in armed conflict zones in Colombia.
Is The Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Colombia Constitutional?
By César Rodríguez-Garavito (Retired in 2019), Diana Rodríguez Franco |
The article offers and analysis of the impacts of the Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Colombia.
Social Rights Taken Seriously: Towards a Dialogue Between Rights and Public Policy
By César Rodríguez-Garavito (Retired in 2019), Rodrigo Uprimny Yepes |
The book investigates the application of various social rights with an emphasis on the right to education.
Six Cities, Four Countries, One Law: A Comparative Analysis of Educational Politics
By Nathalia Sandoval Rojas, Rodrigo Uprimny Yepes |
This book offers a collection of essays that analyze and compare the educational public politics of Bogotá with those other cities and other countries in Latin America.
Practical Guide of the International System of Protection of Human Rights
By Catalina Botero Marino, Diana Esther Guzmán Rodríguez |
The guide is an effort to improve the quality and availability of the information regarding the systems in place to protect human rights. It serves as a reference for individuals interested in the relation of justice, conflict, law and order to human rights.
The Right to Health
By Rodrigo Uprimny Yepes |
This report is the result of an investigation that assessed the Colombian health system from a human rights perspective.
By Diana Esther Guzmán Rodríguez, María Paula Saffon Sanín |
This book focuses on different themes regarding the right to truth, justice and reparation of women victims of the armed conflict in Colombia.
The Free Trade Agreement, Is It Constitutional?
By Diana Rodríguez Franco |
This book presents a systematization of the debates that transpired at the forum, “The Free Trade Agreement, Is It Constitutional?”
Silence is Not Possible Anymore
By Rodrigo Uprimny Yepes, María Paula Saffon Sanín |
The right to communication means the collective enunciation of the message. Actually, we are all message producers, due to our will, technologies and politics. The reader will find in "Silence is not possible anymore" the celebration of communication as part of the political imagination.
The Letter and Spirit of the Law
By Diego E. López Medina |
This book seeks to revive the practical and academic discussion that lawyers have with the relation between the “methods of interpretation” of law.
Racial Discrimination and Human Rights in Colombia
By César Rodríguez-Garavito (Retired in 2019) |
This unprecedented work offers a thorough analysis of the current situation of Afro-Colombians, providing a sociological and legal basis to advocate for the promotion of their rights.
No Truce: Public Policies for the Reparation for Women Victims of Sexual Violence During Dictatorships
By Diana Esther Guzmán Rodríguez |
This book is the product of a reflection process of groups that share a common past characterized by armed conflicts and military regimes responsible for massive human rights violations of their citizens.