Victims for the Search for Truth and Reparation in Colombia
By María Paula Saffon Sanín, Rodrigo Uprimny Yepes |
This book is a summary of diverse conferences that took place at the "Truth and Repair in Colombia: from the victims’ perspective" seminar revolved around the same issue: a search for solutions for repair and reconciliation in Colombia.
Tutelas Against Sentences
By Catalina Botero Marino, Juan Fernando Jaramillo (Deceased), Mauricio García Villegas, Rodrigo Uprimny Yepes |
The problem that is discussed in this document is: What can we do to avoid those "train crashes" that do much harm to justice, and therefore to the whole country?
Transitional Justice without Transition? Truth, Justice and Reparations for Colombia
By Catalina Botero Marino, María Paula Saffon Sanín, Rodrigo Uprimny Yepes |
The studies contained in this book offer empirical, regulatory and conceptual tools that can help understand transitional justice in Colombia.
Reflections on the New Penal Process System. The Challenges for the Colombian Penal Judges
By Rodrigo Uprimny Yepes |
This book compiles six studies whose central idea is that of promoting an accusatory criminal system in Colombia.
The Penal Process Between Efficiency and Justice: The Technical Application of Judicial Direction of the Process of the Penal Accusatory System
By Diego E. López Medina |
This book examines the functions of direction, control and management in the process that should exert the Colombian judge into the framework of the new accusatory penal system that has been implemented by the Legislative Act 3 of 2002 and the Law 906 of 2004.
Constitutional Interpretation
By Diego E. López Medina |
This book looks at the contribution of discussion, comprehension and improvement of the abilities of Colombian judges in the interpretation of the Constitution.
Justice for All? The Judicial System, Social Rights and Democracy in Colombia
By César Rodríguez-Garavito (Retired in 2019), Mauricio García Villegas, Rodrigo Uprimny Yepes |
The objective of this book is to offer an explanation of the origin, content and effect of the recent judicial reforms. The authors also undertake the challenge of evaluating the policies of judicial reform that have been developing in Colombia and in Latin America over the last two decades.
The Laws of the Judges
By Diego E. López Medina |
The Laws of Judges, already a classic of Colombian legal literature, offers in this second edition a substantial revision of its content and structure.
The Judicial Control of the States of Exception
By Mauricio García Villegas, Rodrigo Uprimny Yepes |
This article reviews the history of the Colombia Constitution and its exceptions.
Labor Rights in the FTA Between Colombia and the United States
By César Rodríguez-Garavito (Retired in 2019) |
This article examines the theoretical debate and the comparative experiences of labor clauses in free trade agreements and proposes norms for the FTA between Colombia and the United States that effectively protect labor rights.
(In: Catalina Botero & Andrea Guardo, eds. Economía social de mercado y tratados de libre comercio en Colombia. Fundación Social y Fund. Konrad Adenauer, 2004)Constitutional Protection of Rights in Brazil, Spain and Colombia: Constitutional Control of the Sentences
By Catalina Botero Marino |
The works collected in this volume, on the Brazilian, Spanish, and Colombian experience, analyze some of the problems derived from the functional reach assigned to their cores.