Gender discrimination in Football. Building a Toolbox Toward Gender Equity in the Beautiful Game
By Dejusticia |
As the most popular sport worldwide, football (or soccer) may be the poster child for lingering gender disparities in sport.
Read more Data Feast: Enterprises and Personal Data in Latin America
By Vivian Newman Pont, Daniel Ospina Celis, Juan Carlos Upegui Mejía |
Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft now possess an ability to reconfigure the behaviour of individuals, clients, and citizens globally. How Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico are responding?
Read more The Sarayaku and the Inter-American System on Human Rights: Justice for the “Medio Dia” People and their Living Jungle
By Mario Melo Cevallos |
Mario Melo Cevallos, lawyer of the Kichwa people of Sarayaku, presents his version of the history of resistance and mobilization of the indigenous people before the State plans to exploit the oil that was in the heart of the Amazon.
Read more Accountability of Google and other data-driven business models: data protection in the digital age
By Maria Paula Ángel, Vivian Newman Pont |
In this document we analyze the privacy policies of 30 companies with data-driven business models that collect data in Colombia and identify practices that have not been sufficiently contemplated by the personal data protection regime currently applicable in our country.
Read more Fraught with Pain: Access to Palliative Care and Treatment for Heroin Use Disorder in Colombia
By Isabel Pereira Arana, Lucía Ramírez Bolívar |
This books seeks to facilitate linkages between discussions on the right to health and discussions on drug policy reform. The populations we talk about here are the noes most in need of a change whereby drug culture measures cease to stand in the way of a life free from pain.
Read more What should not be told: Tensions between the right to privacy and the access to information in cases of the voluntary termination of pregnancy
By Nina Chaparro González, Diana Esther Guzmán Rodríguez, Silvia Rojas Castro |
This document attempts to illustrate and analyze some of the tensions that exist between the right to privacy and other relevant constitutional rights and duties, such as the right to information and the duty to report in the context of the partial decriminalization of abortion in Colombia.
Read more What should not be told: Tensions between the right to privacy and the access to information in cases of the voluntary termination of pregnancy
By Nina Chaparro González, Diana Esther Guzmán Rodríguez, Silvia Rojas Castro |
This document attempts to illustrate and analyze some of the tensions that exist between the right to privacy and other relevant constitutional rights and duties, such as the right to information and the duty to report in the context of the partial decriminalization of abortion in Colombia.
Read more Overweight and counterweights
By Valentina Rozo |
Through field work in twelve schools in Ciudad Bolívar in Bogotá, this document shows the need for the State to regulate and monitor the supply and advertising of ultra-processed food products in school environments.
Read more Sobredosis carcelaria y política de drogas en América Latina
By Colectivo de Estudios Drogas y Derecho – CEDD, Sergio Chaparro Hernández |
El CEDD publica su estudio sobre los impactos de las políticas de drogas en el sistema penitenciario de 10 países de América Latina. El uso excesivo del derecho penal y de sanciones privativas de libertad, tiene consecuencias sobre la vida de las personas en los sistemas penitenciarios de Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Estados Unidos, México, Perú y Uruguay.
Read more Prison or death. Professional secrecy as a fundamental guarantee in abortion cases.
By Ana Jimena Bautista |
This book raises some legal reflections on the importance of professional secrecy by health professionals in the cases of women who come to health centers looking for help after having terminated their pregnancy clandestinely, endangering their health and even their life.
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