Fiscal policy in the regulation of adult-use cannabis in Colombia
By Alejandro Rodríguez Llach, Luis Felipe Cruz, Isabel Pereira Arana |
Drugs are not the Devil, but nor are they child’s play. A drug policy that would be respectful of human rights and safeguard public health must lie at an intermediate point between full liberalization and the prohibition currently in place.
Read more Fraught with Pain: Access to Palliative Care and Treatment for Heroin Use Disorder in Colombia
By Isabel Pereira Arana, Lucía Ramírez Bolívar |
This books seeks to facilitate linkages between discussions on the right to health and discussions on drug policy reform. The populations we talk about here are the noes most in need of a change whereby drug culture measures cease to stand in the way of a life free from pain.
Read more Sobredosis carcelaria y política de drogas en América Latina
By Colectivo de Estudios Drogas y Derecho – CEDD, Sergio Chaparro Hernández |
El CEDD publica su estudio sobre los impactos de las políticas de drogas en el sistema penitenciario de 10 países de América Latina. El uso excesivo del derecho penal y de sanciones privativas de libertad, tiene consecuencias sobre la vida de las personas en los sistemas penitenciarios de Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Estados Unidos, México, Perú y Uruguay.
Read more Coca, institutions, and development
By Sergio Chaparro Hernández, Luis Felipe Cruz |
This document aims to analyze the challenges that coca producing municipalities face in two crucial aspects in the future: the construction of a local State and the definition of a human development path that is both integral and participatory.
Read more A balancing act. Drug policy in Colombia after UNGASS 2016
By Isabel Pereira Arana, Luis Felipe Cruz |
This document is the result of a project developed by Dejusticia in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice and Law of Colombia and the British Embassy in Colombia, with funds from the United Kingdom through its embassy in Colombia.
Read more Drug crimes and prison overdose in Colombia
By Rodrigo Uprimny Yepes, Sergio Chaparro Hernández, Luis Felipe Cruz |
This research, carried out by Dejusticia and the Research Consortium on Drugs and the Law, assesses the impact of drug policy on the prison system and recommends, among other measures, to decriminalize the possession of a personal dose.
Read more Persons Deprived of Liberty for Drug Offenses
By Dejusticia |
The research of the Collective on Persons Detained, Processed and Imprisoned presents statistical information about detention and imprisonment for drug offenses in Latin America and advocates for an overhaul of drug laws and their implementation in Latin America. — La evidencia existente muestra que, a nivel mundial, la política de drogas ha implicado diversos costos…
Read more Arguments and pathways for the ratification of the American Convention on Protecting the Human Rights of Older Persons
By Isabel Pereira Arana |
On June 15, 2015, the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) adopted the text of the Inter-American Convention on Protecting the Human Rights of Older Persons (Convention on Older Persons).
Read more Palliative Care and its Status in Latin America
By Dejusticia |
Dejusticia launched a report on the status of palliative care across eight countries in Latin America.