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Economic Justice

We advocate for a basic level of material wellbeing for all; one that is necessary for living with human dignity

Justiciability of Economic, Social & Cultural Rights

We promote the justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR) through our research and our advocacy for the implementation of relevant court decisions.

Right to

We seek the legal recognition and effective implementation of the right to healthy nutrition and food security. We work to increase the visibility of malnutrition and overweight and to promote public policies that stop their expansion.


We promote tax reforms that contribute to decreasing socioeconomic inequality, injustice, and poverty.

Business &
Human Rights

We research and advocate at the national and international levels for effective mechanisms of accountability for violations of human rights in the context of corporate activity, with particular attention to the implementation of international norms, and to corporate accountability in the context of armed conflict and societies in transition.

Committee on

Dejusticia’s headquarters host Rodrigo Uprimny, member of the UN Committee on Economic, Cultural and Social Rights (2015-2018).

Research & Publications

Executive Summary Decision T-543 of 2017

The Constitutional Court held that the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce censored the organization Educar Consumidores, and it cautioned the Superintendency that henceforth it could not exercise prior control over informational contents.

Overweight and counterweights

Through field work in twelve schools in Ciudad Bolívar in Bogotá, this document shows the need for the State to regulate and monitor the supply and advertising of ultra-processed food products in school environments.


The Constitutional Court has the last word to save the Ciénaga Grande of Santa Marta

The environmental crisis of this ecosystem led fishermen to pursue a legal battle that reached the High Court. In this intervention, we support their demand that environmental authorities take urgent measures to stop the disaster and thus, protect their rights to healthy environment, dignified life and work.

Rural reform decree to resolve historic debt with peasants

Terrible conditions in the countryside and lack of access to land are linked to the armed conflict. Point one of the Peace Agreement, which is under study by the Constitutional Court, addresses these issues. Dejusticia presented an intervention supporting most of its content.

The national government geographically isolated Chocó

We intervened to support a tutela that requires the government to pave the Quibdó-Medellín and Quibdó-Pereira roads: a promise that has historically been unfulfilled.

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Columns &

Colombia: going back to the original balance of justice

There is a crucial aspect of Colombia’s transitional justice model that is worrying: the current inability of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) to offer legal security to those who participated in the conflict, including in human rights violations, and have not been identified as among the most responsible. And making sure they also contribute to the satisfaction of the rights of the victims. The JEP must avoid keep moving towards maximalist approaches and go back to the balance in the Peace Agreement.

The immigration policy of the United States and its implications in Latin America

The United States has implemented different measures to prevent the entry of migrants and refugees into its territory, including extending its immigration policy to Latin American countries.

The binationality of the Wayuu people: the pending debt of Venezuela and Colombia

The Wayuu arrive in Colombia to seek refuge but crashes with a wall that prevents them from accessing social services and fundamental rights: the Colombian State has not recognized the binationality of the Wayuu people in practice.

Project Highlights

Photo: Piyushgiri Revagar

Dejusticia and other members of organizations that are part of the Food Health Alliance presented a tutela action on the two orders included in Resolution No. 59176 of 2016 of the Industry and Commerce Oversight Agency against a commercial produced by  Educating Consumers, which provided information about the health effects of excessive sugary drinks consumption.

This Resolution ordered, among other things, the immediate halt to the broadcasting of the educational message about the consumption of sugary drinks and its possible impact on health.

Find out more about this case, and about the legal framework for taxing sugary drinks in Colombia, proposed by Dejusticia.

Foto: Andrei Niemimäki

Dejusticia, along with other organizations, joined the “tutela” action filed by a citizen on behalf of Wayúu children who are at a serious risk due to the government's failure to guarantee their rights to food and water. As part of this work, Dejusticia has made several citizen interventions and produced a supplementary report to the Constitutional Court’s visit to Guajira from February 11-16.

Learn more  about the documents contributed to this case.

Photo: Carolina Londoño Mosquera

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