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Judicial System

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Photo: Ian Lee


International Humanitarian Law and Victims of Child Recruitment as Targets of an Attack

An interpretation of the spirit of IHL, manifested in the principles of military necessity and humanity, as well as the IHRL standards applicable to children, should always prohibit the State from causing excessive death or injury. There is nothing more excessive than killing recruited children —vulnerable, discriminated against, and abandoned by the State— in order to gain a military advantage that could have been achieved through other means.
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The Duque Government Before the United Nations: A Zero in Conduct

Above all of this disorder, something remains constant: the Duque government’s decided interest to weaken international supervision of human rights not only in the Interamerican system, but also in the United Nations.
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Digital Transitions in Transitional Justice

The digitalization of transitional justice should not be seen as a long-term solution, as it can never replace the visceral dynamics of in-person human interaction and emotion, both essential in transitional justice processes.
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Ley Migratoria

The Human Rights-based Approach: The Pending Issue of the Migration Law

Although the Colombian government has implemented a series of measures to assist the Venezuelan population, this response has been sectorized and short-term in nature.
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nacionalidad en Colombia

The Right to Have Rights: A Debate on Nationality in Colombia

Over ten human rights organizations appeared before the Constitutional Court asking to adopt the definition of domicile contained in the Civil Code, as provided in the Political Constitution and Law 43/1993
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Chacón Rufo

From repression to migration: The case of Rufo Chacón

Rufo Chacón, in the company of his mother, is preparing to travel to Spain, where he will get the surgical intervention needed to improve his condition.
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sexual menores

4 Key Strategies to Reducing Sexual Violence Against Children

With the launch of the Alianza initiative, there is hope for a comprehensive change in sexual violence against children. But as always, effective implementation of such an ambitious program will undoubtedly have many challenges.
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Losing Ground: The Sixth Extinction and Development

The changes we have triggered on Earth shatter the distance and sense of remoteness that have governed our relationship with other species and the environment. This is a call to once again recognize our profound interdependence with our environment and protect it—if not for nature’s sake, then for our own.
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Waiting to Advertise: Children and Junk Food

The strategy, then, is simple: companies assure themselves a client for life, without the person even knowing they're being sold something.
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