Territorial Justice System for Peace
By Carolina Villadiego Burbano |
Effective Criminal Defense in Latin America
By Dejusticia |
This book analyzes the national and regional standards related to effective criminal defense. It is the result of a joint research project conducted with different organizations including Dejusticia.
Multi-Door Courthouses: A Good Idea Badly Managed
By Carolina Villadiego Burbano, José Rafael Espinosa Restrepo, Lina Arroyave Velásquez, Mauricio García Villegas, Sebastián Lalinde Ordóñez |
This research project aims to do a diagnostic about the National Program on Multi-Door Courthoses and make some public policy recommendations that could magnify their virtues and improve access to justice.
Police Searches at Discretion? The Tension between Security and Privacy
By Sebastián Lalinde Ordóñez |
This text seeks to harmonize the duty of the National Police to preserve public order and guarantee security with the right to privacy.
Governance and Administration of the Judiciary
By Carolina Villadiego Burbano, Rodrigo Uprimny Yepes |
Analysis of the reform proposals in the balance of powers project.
Towards a Design that Guarantees Adequate Independence of the Judiciary and the Best Method for Selecting Judges for the High Courts
By Sebastián Lalinde Ordóñez |
This chapter's argument is that the independence of the judiciary is a guarantee that without doubt should be preserved but is not absolute and, thus, allows for qualifications in support of more transparency and accountability of the judiciary
Irrational Efforts: Criminal Investigations of Homicide and other Complex Crimes
By Carolina Bernal Uribe, Miguel Emilio La Rota |
The Colombian Attorney General's Office´s quantitative records show that investigative efforts are employed irrationally. The absence of a strategic prioritization policy —as opposed to the unclear and arbitrary way officials currently process cases— does not allow criminal policy efforts to focus on investigating the most important cases.
Security, Police and Inequality: Citizen Survey in Bogotá, Cali, and Medellín
By Carolina Bernal Uribe, Miguel Emilio La Rota |
This survey seeks quantitative evidence about how people experience and perceive various aspects of the security policy, in particular policing practices. It also explores whether security policies disproportionately effect vulnerable groups.
Insufficient Judicial Independence, Deformed Preventive Prison: The cases of Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru
By Carolina Bernal Uribe, Miguel Emilio La Rota |
In this study we analyze the main pressures and interferences to which Colombian judges and prosecutors are subject when they have to make decisions regarding the imposition of preventive detention