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Public intervention concerning Law 21 of May 1851 in relation to slaves liberty.

This public intervention presents the reasons why the Constitutional Court should not declare itself inhibited when deciding the present case. Instead, it suggests the Court to order the issuing of a public policy that guarantees integral and collective reparation for the African descendant population in Colombia who suffered the crime of slavery. The mentioned repation policy should not take place before previous consultation with the affected communities is carried out.

Por: DejusticiaOctober 21, 2009

En esta intervención se dan las razones para que la Corte Constitucional no se declare inhibida, para que ordene al Congreso de la República que, tras procesos de consulta previa con las comunidades, expida una política pública de reparación integral y colectiva a la población afrodescendiente de Colombia por el crimen de esclavitud.

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