Human Rights Due Diligence to Identify, Prevent and Account for Human Rights Impacts by Business Enterprises
Claret Vargas | May 10, 2018
The aim of this document is to present to the IACHR, as it develops a report with guidelines for Business and Human rights and as it engages more generally with human rights violations in the context of business activities, a summary of the main areas of concern with regard to human rights due diligence.
Considering the important role that human rights due diligence plays in the normative framework on business and human rights, Conectas Human Rights, together with the Center for the Study of Law, Justice, and Society (Dejusticia); the International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR); the organization Derecho, Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (DAR); the Due Process of Law Foundation (DPLF); the organization Observatorio Ciudadano and the Project on Organizing, Development, Education, and Research (PODER), requested a thematic hearing on human rights due diligence for the 168º Period of Sessions of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR).
The hearing took place on May 10, 2018, when the organizations had the opportunity to present areas where further guidance and clarification may be required to ensure that due diligence processes address all the potential impacts caused by business activities in critical sectors (e.g. infrastructure, extractive industries, agribusiness etc.). The organization submitted to the IACHR a report, in which they present a summary of the main areas of concern with regard to human rights due diligence.
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