Racial Discrimination and Human Rights in Colombia
César Rodríguez-Garavito (Retired in 2019) | May 15, 2008
This unprecedented work offers a thorough analysis of the current situation of Afro-Colombians, providing a sociological and legal basis to advocate for the promotion of their rights.
This book questions the validity of the myth of Colombian racial democracy. According to this myth, Colombia’s unique history facilitated a blending of races and cultures into an egalitarian mix rendering racism non-existent. This belief supports the denial of racism by the state and civil society, effectively enabling marginalization of Afro-Colombians. This unprecedented work offers a thorough analysis of the current situation of Afro-Colombians, providing a sociological and legal basis to advocate for the promotion of their rights. Additionally, it formulates concrete policy proposals and recommendations to guarantee the right to racial equality, dispelling the myth of racial democracy.
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