Security, Police and Inequality: Citizen Survey in Bogotá, Cali, and Medellín
Carolina Bernal Uribe, Miguel Emilio La Rota | April 15, 2014
This survey seeks quantitative evidence about how people experience and perceive various aspects of the security policy, in particular policing practices. It also explores whether security policies disproportionately effect vulnerable groups.
Security policies can disproportionately affect people in vulnerable groups. Criminal regulations, investigation or prosecution of crimes, or police behavior can help to increase the disadvantages these individuals have in order to ensure that their working and social life is developed on equal terms. One of the main aspects of this problem, which has not been sufficiently studied in Colombia, is whether police policies are less effective – or harsher – with respect to some groups such as women, people with economic deficits or Afro-Colombians. This survey makes a first approximation to the topic. It collects two representative samples in Bogotá, Cali and Medellín of the population older than 12 years and of the Afro people. It looks for basic quantitative evidence on how various aspects of security policies are lived and perceived, in particular the police: if these services favor or affect women differently, Afro people, or who reside in low socioeconomic strata.
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