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Foto/Photo: Francis Danforth

Diego E. López Medina


S. J. D. and LL. M. at Harvard University. Majored in Law and in Philosophy at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, in Bogotá, Founding member of DJS. Dedicated to teaching and consulting in Public Law and Comparative Law. Currently associate professor at the Universidad de los Andes and at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, both in Bogotá. Editor of the “New Legal Thought Collection” (Uniandes and Siglo del Hombre Editores) and coeditor of the Revista de Derecho Público of the Universidad de los Andes and of Global Jurist (Berkeley University Press). Lecturer in both national and international events. Author of numerous articles and essays published in national and international publications, including: “El valor del precedente constitucional” (in Derecho Constitucional: Perspectivas Crí­ticas. Observatorio de Justicia Constitucional, Universidad de los Andes, Siglo del Hombre Editores, Bogotá, 1999) and “Derecho Constitucional, Política y Paz” (in La Otra Guerra, Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja / Plaza & Janés, Bogotá, 1999). The latter publication won the “Best Law Book” prize awarded by the Cámara Colombiana del Libro in 1999. Author of the books El derecho de los jueces (Legis, Bogotá, 2000), and Teoría impura del derecho: La transformación de la cultura jurídica latinoamericana (Legis, Bogotá, 2004)

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