Isabel holds a BA in Political Science from Universidad de los Andes in Colombia (2008), and a Master in Development Studies, from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) in Switzerland (2015). She is also a Fellow with the Aspen Institute for Colombia on leadership. She is currently the senior coordinator for the drug policy area at Dejusticia, where she has focused on documenting the differentiated impacts of drug policy on women, the interactions between drug policy reform and other high-impact agendas such as the right to health and transitional justice and developing advocacy strategies for drug policies rooted in human rights. Isabel has been a consultant and advisor for the Global Commission on Drug Policy, for the Latin American Inventory on authoritaranism, and for the Global Drug Policy Index with the University of Swansea. Before joining Dejusticia, she was an advisor for international cooperation programs in conflict affected areas, and negotiator on behalf of Colombia in multilateral fora.