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Prisons: What Force Can’t Do

“Heavy-handed” policies on crime in many countries in the Americas have not only brought prisons to crises around the continent, but have also failed to reduce crime and recidivism. A more humane penitentiary system, not one of terror, seems to be the solution that our continent needs.

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Birds face a variety of risks simply for coexisting with us, because we are a harmful species that grows egotistically and disproportionately.

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Entre coacción y colaboración: Verdad judicial, actores económicos y conflicto armado en Colombia

While it is clear that many of the economic actors lack responsibility in the conflict and others have been victims of it, some research has shown that some did have a decisive role in the origin, development and perpetuation of the cycles of armed conflict in the country.

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What should not be told: Tensions between the right to privacy and the access to information in cases of the voluntary termination of pregnancy

This document attempts to illustrate and analyze some of the tensions that exist between the right to privacy and other relevant constitutional rights and duties, such as the right to information and the duty to report in the context of the partial decriminalization of abortion in Colombia.

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Executive Summary Decision T-543 of 2017

The Constitutional Court held that the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce censored the organization Educar Consumidores, and it cautioned the Superintendency that henceforth it could not exercise prior control over informational

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Artículo de Litigio

Lawsuit to protect the right of access to public intelligence information

Dejusticia filed a lawsuit challenging Decree 857 of 2014, which regulates the Colombian Law of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, for violating some of the necessary requirements that must be fulfilled before the right of access to public information held by intelligence agencies can be restricted.

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Artículo de Litigio

Intervention before the Constitutional Court in the revision of Decree-Law 249 of 2017, which regulates a specific hiring process for manual eradication for the implementation of the peace process

Dejusticia asked the Constitutional Court to declare invalid Decree-Law 249 of 2017 (DL 249/2017), for two reasons: in issuing this rule, the President of the Republic exceeded the special powers for peace because it did not demonstrate the strict necessity to regulate this subject by this extraordinary way; and the contracting procedure that regulates DL 249/2017 violates the constitutional principles governing public procurement.

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Artículo de Litigio

Intervention in an advisory opinion before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in relation to gender identity and economic rights of same-sex couples

On December 6, 2016, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights invited Dejusticia to present written comments, within the framework of an Advisory Opinion requested by the State of Costa Rica in May 2016.

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Artículo de Litigio

Dejusticia presents on precautionary principle to the Constitutional Court in case of illicit crops fumigation with glyphosate

In a Constitutional Protection (tutela) case, Dejusticia argued for the precautionary principle to protect the rights to health, the environment, ethnic territories, peasant territoriality, and water resources in rural communities.

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