Posts Tagged ‘Cambio climático’
Energy transition and human rights in the Global South
The lack of a human rights and energy policy feeds the growing conflict in the territories. It will be hard to end all forms of violence associated with our reliance on fossil fuels at any cost until we decide to retrace our steps by focusing on a just transition.
Read MoreHistoric hearing! Organizations Warn The IACHR of the Impacts of the #ClimateCrisis on Human Rights
Fifteen national and regional organizations from over nine countries in the Americas appeared at a hearing on the impacts of climate change and its response measures on the rights of vulnerable groups.
Read MoreEnvironmentalists of Caquetá gathered inputs for the creation of the Intergenerational Pact for the life of the Amazon
More than 50 young people participated in “Days of Hope in Caquetá”, a creative activism event for the conservation of the Colombian Amazon, driven by Landscape of Hope, Dejusticia, PID Amazon, Red Cross and Tell.
Read MoreTwo fights in one: feminism and environmentalism
Only in as much as we coordinate the efforts will we be able to erradicate gender inequality and encounter a solution to the ecological crisis that we are experiencing.
Read MoreThe Colombian government has failed to fulfill the Supreme Court’s landmark order to protect the Amazon
One year ago, the Colombian Supreme Court declared the Colombian Amazon a subject of rights, ordering the government to take measures to preserve it by curbing deforestation. However, the government has not taken sufficient action; meanwhile, threats to the rainforest continue to grow.
Read MoreRuben
Birds face a variety of risks simply for coexisting with us, because we are a harmful species that grows egotistically and disproportionately.
Read More7th Global Action-Research Workshop for Young Human Rights Advocates
The goal of the Workshop is to strengthen the writing and advocacy skills of the participants.
Read MoreIn historic ruling, Colombian Court protects youth suing the national government for failing to curb deforestation
The Supreme Court of Justice ordered the protection of the Colombian Amazon from deforestation, ruling in favor of a group of 25 children and youth, who with the support of Dejusticia, sued the Colombian government for failing to protect their rights to life and a healthy environment.
Read MoreThe victims of natural disasters also need historical memory
This was the same government that after the tragedy of Mocoa applied a new response apparatus that failed to take into account the 2011 rainy season.
Read MoreEight key points of the first Latin American lawsuit on the rights of future generations and climate change
Deforestation in the Colombian Amazon (the most biodiverse region in the world) violates the right of colombian children and youth to enjoy a healthy environment. Given that all ecosystems are interconnected, deforestation in the Amazon not only affects those living in the region, but also elsewhere in Colombia.
Read MoreFirst Climate Change Lawsuit in Latin America
Twenty-five young Colombians want to defend their environmental heritage, which is why they demand that authorities stop the deforestation in the Amazon rainforest and comply with the Paris Agreements.
Read MoreColombian Youth File the First Climate Change Lawsuit in Latin America
25 young people are demanding the government halts deforestation.
Read MoreThe time for climate change litigation
Cities like New York and San Francisco have sued large oil companies for their contribution to climate disasters. It’s time for that trend to reach Latin America.
Read MoreReasons and Non-reasons of the Post-Truth
Why do we believe clearly false news? Why do millions think climate change does not exist? Why is it that so many fathers and mothers do not immunize their children, believing the myths about the curses of the vaccines? How do voters around the world and all conditions choose populist rulers who lie in the light of day?
Read MoreThe barbarians
Human groups have the tribal tendency to deny the humanity of anyone who belongs to a different culture.
Read MoreInternational order is threatened
first days of the new U.S. government have produced commotion around the world.
Who Is Still Financing the Climate Crisis?
Despite the progress the international community has achieved in terms of tackling climate change, a great contradiction exists between what is stated in international accords and what happens in practice. This is particularly evident in the steady financing of fossil fuel infrastructure at the expense of people’s lives.
Read MoreWhat if we turn cities into centers to mitigate climate change?
Faced with the challenge of urbanization, the United Nations has convened Habitat III, where political leaders will meet in October in Ecuador to negotiate and promote commitments under the so-called New Urban Agenda.
Read MoreClimate Injustice and Social Movements: Latin America’s Chance
César Rodríguez Garavito writes about the failure of the Climate Change World Summit in Warsaw and on the upcoming meeting in Lima in 2014, that may be the last chance to save the Planet from catastrophe.
Read MoreEnvironmental Injustice and Social Movements
The Warsaw Summit failed. The sobs and the hunger strike of the representative of the Philippines were not enough. “It’s time to end this madness,” he told the stubborn leaders of the world, referring to global warming which exacerbated the effects of the Haiyan typhoon that destroyed his family.
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