Posts Tagged ‘Derecho a la salud’
The Punishment of Silence: Mental Health Around the World
Far from being an issue of self-care, about which we can speak as casually as we do physical illnesses, mental health is something that we prefer to keep in silence. It’s a topic that carries certain collective fear, shame, and prejudice.
Read MoreMy Name is Nobody
As a human being, Alba needs to be able to assume her identity without fear. But if the conditions she experiences persist and the impacts on her health are made invisible, she could end up having this name that no human being should ever have – whether as a survival mechanism or because of her state of marginalization.
Read MoreColombia must obtain resources to guarantee the right to health of Venezuelan migrants: Constitutional Court
The high court protected the right to health of two undocumented Venezuelans and requested the government to advance as “expeditiously and effectively as possible” towards the full realization of migrants’ right to health, regardless of their immigration status. Dejusticia intervened in the case.
Read MoreScience, conscience and counter-science
In 1956, the scientist Clair Patterson warned that there was an excess of lead in the environment linked to industrial production. Patterson was accused of fundamentalism for warning about the health-related dangers of this metal, just as it happens today with some industries that dismiss scientific evidence.
Read MoreThe Constitutional Court recognizes the right of consumers to access information about the health effects of sugary drinks
The Constitutional Court ruled in favor of a tutela filed by Dejusticia and other organizations that make up the Food Health Alliance. This is an unprecedented ruling in favor of consumers in Colombia.
Read MoreDejusticia will defend right to health and information in hearing on draft law to regulate labeling of ultraprocessed products
On September 18 at 2 pm, there will be a public hearing in Congress on the Bill 019 of 2017, which seeks to enable consumers to make better decisions about their food health when making purchases.
Read MoreCourt Recognizes consumers’ Right to Access Information About the Effects of Sugary Drinks on Health – A First in Colombia
The Supreme Court vindicated the right of consumers to access a commercial about the health effects of sugary drinks whose dissemination had been prohibited.
Read MoreDejusticia publishes document with legal reasons in favor of the sugary drinks tax
Ad portas of a
tax reform, Dejusticia publishes a policy paper on the viability and importance
of the tax on sugary drinks as a public health measure to disincentive
Soft Drinks and Cigarettes
We have to begin by tying loose ends with other countries and other industries. In this way we can not only see why it is a wise proposal, but also why it does not go far enough.
Read MoreIllegally Mining Human Rights for Gold
Even though the price of gold has now reached its lowest level in the last five years, gold price increased steadily between 2000 and 2012. This increase produced a worldwide growth in mining activities, including illegal gold mining, which has become an unleashed monster for human rights.
Read MoreConstitutional Court Accepts Case to Guarantee Medical Attention to Survivors of Sexual Assault
Dejusticia alongside four women’s human rights organizations filed a lawsuit that seeks to ameliorate the serious problems that survivors of sexual assault face in Colombia.
Read MoreConnecting the Dots in Egypt
It is important to develop a clear understanding of the correlation between the crackdown on civil liberties and the predominance of non-inclusive economic policies.
Read MoreWrits of Constitutional Protection and Judicial Congestion
Levying some type of cost on entities that violate fundamental rights is a better strategy for avoding judicial congestion than recurring proposals asking for more money and more judges for the judiciary.
Read MoreA Basket Full of Strangers
Can the average Colombian consumer understand the information provided on food products?
Read MoreFour News Headlines and One Problem
Looking over the news this week I paused to read four ostensibly unrelated news stories, each one discussing events in different parts of the world.
Read MoreIn Search of Rights: Drug Users and Governments Response in Latin America
The Drugs and Rights Studies Collective published a new report that examines government responses to the consumption of illicit drugs in eight countries in Latin America: Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Bolivia.
Read MoreIntervention: Defense of the Superintendent of Health´s Letter 03/13 on Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy
Dejusticia intervened before the State Council to support the legality of the Superintendent of Health’s Letter 03 from 2013 on voluntary interruption of pregnancy.
Read MoreFreedom to Smoke
Smoking is an act of freedom, some say while they light a cigarette. The Marlboro man comes to time, riding through the plains to the rhythm of his smoke circles.
Read MoreFar from the Law: Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy in the Colombian Health Care System
This study intends is contribute to the empirical research on voluntary interruption of pregnancy (VIP).
Read MoreCancer, Biotechnology Medicines and the Debate about Market Competition
Cancer rates are growing.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization (WHO), released it’s World Report on Cancer for 2014 last Monday, February 3, 2014.
Read MoreHealth and Patents
The blunt and candid declarations made by Bayer’s CEO Marjn Dekkers’ declarations opened up a discussion about the risks that patents bring to health care.
Read MoreDaydreaming
At this point, with a few hours left until it is time for the traditional grapes and apple cider, the risk-takers have made all the political predictions for next year. Some have already re-elected Santos, other have reached a peace agreement, elected a new Congress and formed parliamentary coalitions.
Read MoreWho is the Drug Pirate?
The president of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), Raymond Yans, accused Uruguay of piracy for approving home-grown marihuana and its legal, but highly regulated, commercial distribution.
Read MoreThe Regulation of Voluntary Interruptions of Pregnancy in Colombia
This document describes the current status of voluntary interruption of pregnancy (VIP) regulation in Colombia.
Read MoreEquity and Hospital Infections
A recent State Council decision established that if a patient gets an infection in a hospital, the hospital has to compensate him or her unless the hospital can prove that the infection was acquired elsewhere.
Read MoreAmicus in tutela proceeding regarding a voluntary interruption of pregnancy due to the risk to the mental health of the woman.
Dejusticia intervened to support the protection of the fundamental rights of a woman who was denied the right to terminate her pregnancy, although her situation fit into one of the three circumstances in which abortion is permitted, namely, the risk to the women’s mental health.
Read MoreChallenge to the request for annulment of the decree that regulates the provision of services for voluntary interruption of pregnancy
Dejusticia requests the Council of State refuse the request for nullity of the decree that regulates the provision of services for voluntary interruption of pregnancy. We argue that this regulation is legitimate as Act 100 of 1993 establishes that the National Government is the competent authority to regulate the provision of health services.
Read MoreIntervention on the constitutionality of the declaration of state of emergency.
Dejusticia requests that in the case that the Court find that the health system suffers from a financial crisis that affects its immediate stability, the Court declare inapplicable all unconstitutional reasons for the declaration of emergency contained in Decree 4975 of 2009, as they attempt to permit a structural reform of the Health System, which may only be undertaken by Congress.
Read MoreAmicus curiae in tutela for protection of the right to mental health of victims of forced displacement
Dejusticia supports the tutela to ensure the right to health of four women who have not received comprehensive care for the serious mental and emotional disorders they suffer following their forced displacement due to violence of the armed conflict
Read MoreHealth Care: Afro Descendents
Public action of unconstitutionality of articles 1 through 30 of the Law 691 of 2001, which regulates the participation of ethnic groups in the General System of Social Security, alleging violations of the introduction and of articles 1, 2, 7, 11, 12, 13, 48, 49, 70, 85, 93, 330 (paragraph), 55 transitory of the Political Constitution.
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