Posts Tagged ‘Despenalización’
Technical Report for Alternatives to Imprisonment for Drug-Related Offenses
In Search of Rights: Drug Users and Governments Response in Latin America
The Drugs and Rights Studies Collective published a new report that examines government responses to the consumption of illicit drugs in eight countries in Latin America: Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Bolivia.
Read MoreStaggering Ignorance
Many of those who oppose any changes to drug policies make such staggering mistakes that it would be funny if it weren’t for their tragic effects. Their ignorance or prejudices perpetuate a policy that is misguided policy and that continues to cause lots of suffering in the world.
Read MorePrison laws and Drugs: Any changes?
A few days ago, the new Prison Law came into force with the goal of reducing the structural problems of the prison system.
Read MoreWho is the Drug Pirate?
The president of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), Raymond Yans, accused Uruguay of piracy for approving home-grown marihuana and its legal, but highly regulated, commercial distribution.
Read MoreThinking of the Issue of Drugs Alongside the Peace Process
Now that the different peaces and post-conflict scenarios in Colombia are being discussed, it is crucial to include the problem of illicit drug prosecutions in the debate. From what perspectives should we approach this problem so that we don’t make the same mistakes of the past?
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