Posts Tagged ‘Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz’
Preventing Corporate Intimidation of Rightsholders
Unfavorable news, a negative opinion of an opinion leader, or even an unfounded rumor can affect companies whose value depends to a large extent on the confidence of their shareholders and the public in their good behavior and the possibilities of obtaining profits by investing in them.
Read MoreSexual violence in the Special Jurisdiction for Peace: more penalties do not mean more truth
More important than the symbolic message that Congress intended to give by increasing the penalties for sexual violence against children is that truth and justice do in fact exist.
Read MoreBittersweet sentence
The ruling of the Constitutional Court on the Special Jurisdiction for Peace has ambiguous effects: it could give a stronger floor to the JEP and peace, but for now everyone seems dissatisfied.
Read MoreComments on the statutory bill to implement the Special Jurisdiction for Peace
Academics and social organizations, including Dejusticia, analyzed the political convenience and the constitutional justification of the project that is being discussed in Congress.
Read MoreThe Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP)
Despite all of its flaws, the Selection Committee made the best selection of judges for a high court that has been made in Colombia for decades. And we have a JEP that, given its integration, has all the capacity to achieve a worthy legal closure to our long and painful war.
Read MoreLessons of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace
We do not have to look far to find immediate reasons against clientelism in justice. The judge selection for the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) has just given us two lessons that should be applied throughout the judicial system.
Read MoreThe long wait of the JEP to the Constitutional Court and the Congress’ response
In the last six months civil society organizations, such as Dejusticia, have called on both institutions to give way to the rules that consolidate the Special Jurisdiction for Peace.
Read MoreThe long wait of the JEP ahead of the decisions of the Constitutional Court and Congress
In the last six months civil society organizations, such as Dejusticia, have called on both institutions to give free rein to the norms that consolidate the Special Jurisdiction for Peace.
Read MoreAdministration of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace: comments on the Draft Statutory Law
On September 11, Rodrigo Uprimny participated in the public hearing convened by the joint commissions of the Senate of the Republic and the House of Representatives on the draft statutory law governing the administration of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP). This project begins in Congress and will be discussed under a fast-track procedure.
Read MoreFrom Ricaurte to the Special Jurisdiction for Peace
The Special Jurisdiction for Peace must be composed of people selected with criteria and procedures free of suspicion. Specially at a critical time for justice, when there is an arrest warrant against former Supreme Court President Francisco Ricaurte.
Read MoreA retroactive Special Jurisdiction for Peace
The criticism to the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) of being unacceptable for violating the prohibition of criminal retroactivity is actually confusing two related, but distinct things: retroactivity of laws that create crimes or aggravate penalties, which is not admissible in a democracy; and retroactivity of criminal courts, which is appropriate in certain circumstances.
Read MoreIt is necessary to consolidate the JEP as soon as possible: press release
Dejusticia, together with other civil society organizations and academics, celebrate the definitive step of the FARC-EP’s abandonment of arms to end the conflict and stress the importance of consolidating the Special Jurisdiction for Peace as the next key step.
Read MorePrison is not the only sanction in transitional justice mechanisms
César Rodríguez argued that the Comprehensive System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Guarantees of Non-Repetition is in harmony with the Constitution. Regarding different penalties, he affirmed that international law discusses effective sanctions, not jail.
Read MorePrison is not the only sanction in transitional justice mechanisms
César Rodríguez defended that the Comprehensive System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Guarantees of Non-Repetition is in line with the Constitution. Regarding penalties, he affirmed that international law discusses effective sanctions, not imprisonment.
Read MoreSmearing the Special Jurisdiction for Peace
Those who opposed the Peace Accord, and particularly the Special Jurisdiction for Peace, have all the right to criticize it. But they do not have the right to lie in order to mislead public opinion.
Read MorePandora’s box?
What if we knew who killed Jorge Eliécer Gaitan ? Or if we had access to the private papers of General Rojas Pinilla? And if we could find the documents that explain the systematicity in the deaths of the Patriotic Union?
Read MoreWhat is the balance of the constitutional reform project on the JEP?
On February 14, Rodrigo Uprimny participated in the hearing convened by the First Committee of the Senate to discuss the constitutional reform project that creates the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) and regulates the special treatment of the Public Force. This reform is two debates from being approved by the Senate. Find here the document on which your intervention was based and which gives an overview of this project
Read MoreThe Integral System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition, as the axis of the purposes of coexistence and peace: joint statement
The civil society organizations and academics who subscribe to this document agree that we are facing a unique opportunity for the changes and adjustments that our democracy requires to definitively overcome the causes and consequences of the armed conflict and to guarantee the stability and durability of peace.
Read MoreThe selection of the Justice of Peace
With the march of the members of the FARC to the selected zones and the sessions in the Congress that have been integrating the agreement to the Colombian legislation, the Peace Agreement becomes a tangible reality. Not without uncertainties and without much bullying.
Read MoreFive points that concern us about the Special Jurisdiction for Peace and the special treatment of the public force
The House of Representatives has already approved the constitutional reform that creates the Special Peace Jurisdiction (JEP) and regulates the special treatment to the public force. This project, which will give life to the transitional justice mechanism to investigate and punish the crimes committed during the conflict, is two debates in the Senate from becoming a reality.
Read MorePress Release on the Draft Legislative Act of the Integral System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition
Academics and organizations, including Dejusticia, sign a communiqué to present analysis on the political convention and constitutional justification of the Draft Legislative Act 02 of 2016 Chamber, accumulated with the Draft Legislative Act 03 of 2016, which among other things creates the Comprehensive System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition, in what includes the JEP and regulates the special criminal treatment for state agents.
Why certain parts of the peace accord should have legal force? Comments on the Senate’s draft bill 01 of 2016
The following text presents some reflections to the public and the national Congress related to the constitutional reform project that seeks to give stability and judicial security to the peace accord signed between the Colombia government and the FARC on November 24th, 2016.
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