Posts Tagged ‘Justicia transicional’
Participation in Transitional Justice Measures: A Comparative Study
The study analyzes participatory scenarios involving not only victims but also civil society in a broader sense, as the latter has also been very important for the
promotion, adoption, and implementation of transitional justice measures.
The unit of hope
The Missing Persons Search Unit has become a beacon of hope for the more than 60,000 families who carry with them the daily torture of enforced disappearances: the helpless waiting for clues as to the whereabouts of their loved one.
Read MoreThe 1991 Constitution is open to peace and the profound transformations that it will require
What is the nature, scope and type of control that the Constitutional Court must exercise over the Legislative Acts issued to implement the Final Peace Agreement? This is an intervention by Rodrigo Uprimny before the High Court.
Read MoreThe Constitution of 1991 is open to peace and the profound changes it requires
What is the nature, scope and type of control that the Constitutional Court must exercise over the Legislative Acts issued to implement the Final Peace Agreement? Intervention by Rodrigo Uprimny before the High Court.
Read MoreDear Congress members, too much noise around the Special Jurisdiction for Peace!
The proposals asking to remove the application of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace to military and civilians ignore the complex dynamics of the armed conflict.
Read MoreHow is the implementation of the Agreement on Victims going?
Despite the setbacks, the Transitional Justice System is already working. However, the sustainability of the process will depend on the decisions of the Constitutional Court and the proper processing of amnesties.
Read MoreFrantz and war
Frantz, a film by the French director François Ozon, deals with the absurdity of war and the terrible fate of societies entangled in it.
Read MorePeace, everyone’s business! Corporate accountability in transitional justice: lessons for Colombia
The report includes a comparative study of eight countries (Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, Guatemala, East Timor, Sierra Leone and Liberia) that used transitional justice to judge crimes by corporate actors during armed conflicts.
Read MoreThe National Comprehensive Program for the Substitution of Illicit Crops (PNIS) needs more concreteness, a road map and a more global vision for integral rural development
We put forward some recommendations aimed at ensuring the proper implementation of point 4 of the Final Agreement: “Solution to the Problem of Illicit Drugs”, especially in relation to the National Comprehensive Program for the Substitution of Illicit Crops (PNIS).
Read MoreLessons for Colombia from eight countries on corporate responsibility in transitional justice: report
The report includes a comparative study of eight countries (Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, Guatemala, East Timor, Sierra Leone and Liberia) that used transitional justice to judge crimes by corporate actors during armed conflicts.
Read MoreDejusticia weighs in on the Ministry of Justice´s proposal regarding differentiated penal treatment
We comment the proposed draft law on the Regulation of Differential Criminal Treatment for individuals associated with the cultivation of illicit crops and women linked to small-scale drug trafficking.
Read MoreRenewing Pathways to Peace in the Philippines: International Law and Amnesties
In 2016, I was attending a book launch in Manila pertaining to the Communist peace process in the Philippines, when the topic of amnesty came up. I realized that while there was scant awareness of the intricacies of the topic, amnesty was critical to the resolution of the conflict but it was also a potential landmine.
Read MoreThe politics of remembering: A yellow house, snipers and civil war
In the midst of a busy traffic intersection, Beit Barakat, or the Barakat House, is an assuming edifice. Most Beirutis pass it by every day without knowing that behind its bullet hole-riddled yellow exterior lie almost a century of memories and a continuing struggle
Read MoreReconciliation through the Environment
El proceso de paz de Colombia debería aprender de ejemplos internacionales que hacen uso de la gestión y restauración del medio ambiente como herramientas útiles para promover y reforzar el diálogo y la confianza en situaciones de posconflicto.
Read MoreThe National Museum of Memory: A Moral Duty
To read this post in English click here.
“This is a permanent process of creating memory. These are the pieces of brick that we brought for the construction of this, our memory This painful clay will be transformed, and we will be strengthened in the unity of our dreams” (Reference to Salón del Nunca Más, Granada, Antioquia)
Read MoreArgentina and Colombia Go after Economic Actors in Contexts of Violence
In recent weeks there have been two interesting development in the movement to demand responsibility from economic actors that support serious human rights violations in contexts of conflict and repression, such as the case of Chiquita Brands’ support to Colombian paramilitaries, or Argentinean companies that financed and supported the military regime.
Dejusticia: a decade thinking about a just peace
In Colombia, the last ten years have been dramatic in terms of peace and rights. The country has faced an enormous flux of demobilized ex-combatants, has seen a dynamic movement of victims grow, and to account for all of that, has witnessed the creation and development of countless official laws and institutions in charge of hundreds of proceedings for victims and ex-combatants.
Read More“One realizes that what has been done in Colombia isn’t so terrible”
Leonarda De la Ossa, Activist from Montes de María, talks about her experience in the Action-Research Global School.
Read MoreExpert Opinion about Administrative Reparations before the Inter-American Human Rights Court
Camilo Sánchez, transitional justice research coordinator, presented an expert opinion about the administrative reparations program and the compliance of the Land Restitution and Victims’ Law to international standards before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, within the framework of the case “Yarce and others v. Colombia.”
Read MoreTransitional and Constitutional Justice
Chapter by Camilo Sánchez and Catalina Ibáñez Gutiérrez in the book “Transitional and Constitutional Justice” of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
Read MoreJustice to Achieve Peace: Heinous Crimes, the Right to Negotiated Peace and Justice
This book seeks to contribute to the difficult debate on how to reconcile the imperatives of justice and the rights of the victims, with the internal dynamics of a peace negotiation.
Read MoreIn Search of a Transformative and Participatory Concept of Reparations in the Context of Transitional Justice
This article aims to help overcome some of the limitations of the prevailing transitional justice approach.
Read MoreReparations in Colombia: Dilemmas in a Context of Conflict, Poverty and Exclusion
This publication contributes answers to the challenges based on the need to repair grave violations committed in a context of war, poverty and exclusion.
Read MoreVictims for the Search for Truth and Reparation in Colombia
This book is a summary of diverse conferences that took place at the “Truth and Repair in Colombia: from the victims’ perspective” seminar revolved around the same issue: a search for solutions for repair and reconciliation in Colombia.
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