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Artículo de Litigio

Dejusticia intervention regarding the invalidity requests of sentence T-445 of 2016 on the popular consultation to decide on mining Pijao

On November 11th, Dejusticia conducted a citizen intervention before the Constitutional Court regarding the invalidation request of sentences T-445 of 2016 presented by the National Mining Agency, the Ministry of Mines and Energy, ASOGRAVAS, the Tolima Miners and Hydrocarbons Association, and the Colombian Mining Association.

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Pijao: the “slow” town that is endangered due to mining

Hidden between the mountains of Quindio, there is a small town waging a battle to defend its autonomy and territory. Pijao is a municipality with approximately 6,000 residents. Since a few years ago, it struggles to defend its decision to “not be in a rush”, where quality of life, good food, and nature come first before mining, which threatens to change Pijao’s life style.

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The Bullying Continues

Based on all the criticism the Inspector General´s Office received (including from those who did not support Petro), some of us thought, mistakenly, that the Inspector General would calm down.

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