Posts Tagged ‘Mecanismos de consulta’
Clarification on Cajarmarca
Despite the interests and passions at stake, we must accept and debate with arguments the decision of the inhabitants of Cajamarca to ban mining and protect the water and agricultural interests of their municipality.
Read MorePopular consultations are constitutional, binding and do have effects on mining concessions
Read here our clarifications about the scope and binding nature of the consultation.
Read MoreDejusticia intervention regarding the invalidity requests of sentence T-445 of 2016 on the popular consultation to decide on mining Pijao
On November 11th, Dejusticia conducted a citizen intervention before the Constitutional Court regarding the invalidation request of sentences T-445 of 2016 presented by the National Mining Agency, the Ministry of Mines and Energy, ASOGRAVAS, the Tolima Miners and Hydrocarbons Association, and the Colombian Mining Association.
Read MoreThe Constitutional Court decides on popular consultation processes in favor of public participation
The Constitutional Court recognizes that popular consultations on mining are legal and that municipalities can prohibit mining in their territories.
Read MorePijao, the “slow” town that challenges the mining sector
In this article by El Tiempo, Laura Sepúlveda explains how Dejusticia supported the formulation of the tutela that Pijao residents submitted to get a popular consultation process on mining affairs.
Read MoreTolima Tribunal approved popular referendum in Ibagué
The tribunal accepted the proposals made by Dejusticia and others who supported the initiative.
Read MorePeople’s Consultations About Mining Are Constitutional
Dejusticia filed a supporting brief in the protection case presented by citizens of Pijao, in defense of their right to citizen participation in a people’s consultation about mining.
Read MorePijao: the “slow” town that is endangered due to mining
Hidden between the mountains of Quindio, there is a small town waging a battle to defend its autonomy and territory. Pijao is a municipality with approximately 6,000 residents. Since a few years ago, it struggles to defend its decision to “not be in a rush”, where quality of life, good food, and nature come first before mining, which threatens to change Pijao’s life style.
Read MoreCoadyudancia in Favor of Popular Consultation in Pijao
Coadyuvancia to the tutela process defending the right of citizen participation in the popular consultation about mining proposed by the mayor of Pijao.
Read MoreIbagué Mining Consultation in Final Stages
The Council of Ibagué backed the right to consultation on mining matters, but it still has to wait for approval by the Administrative Court of Tolima. Dejusticia researchers explain that Ibagué complies with all the requirements and that the local government has the competency to do this.
Read MoreLet’s Be Serious: Popular Consultations for Mining Projects Are Viable
Before the Piedras popular consultation, one had never been done before, but that does mean they were not obligatory, and even less that they are not legal.
Read MoreReferendum and Adoption
Vivian Morales’ principal argument for a referendum on adoption by same-sex couples is based on an incomplete idea of democracy: democracy as majority rule.
Read MoreNot Everything That Shines Is Gold
Even though it has been strongly questioned by local communities, the South African company AngloGold Ashanti continues with the idea to exploit the gold mine La Colosa in Tolima.
Read MoreWater and the Inspector General’s Office
What was the Inspector General’s Office doing while the water supply was running out in Casanare? It wasn’t investigating the officers who let the “morichales” (wetlands) dry or who approved the licenses to exploit patroleum near water sources.
Read MoreThe Bullying Continues
Based on all the criticism the Inspector General´s Office received (including from those who did not support Petro), some of us thought, mistakenly, that the Inspector General would calm down.
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