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The Global Village

In 1962 the Canadian sociologist Marshal McLuhan spoke of “the global village” to suggest that, thanks to advances in communications technology, the world had become smaller and more managable. 

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The Beginning of All Things

Thales of Miletus was the first philosopher of Classical Greece that tried to find the origin of everything; something that could explain what exists. This origin, which he called Arche, he found in water. Everything is made up of water, said Thales, “the earth rests on water, like an island.” His disciples later added three elements to this explanation: earth, air, and fire.

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Incoherence and Fumigations

It would be contraditory, legally unacceptable and politically inconvenient for the Government to renew fumigations with glyphosate in Catatumbo by arguing that coca cultivation has increased in this region. 

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The Order of Priorities

There is a famous poem, erroneously attributed to Jorge Luis Borges that reads as follows: “If I could live my life over again,/ in the next one I would try to make less mistakes./ I would not try to be so perfect, I would relax more./ […] I would have more real problems and less imaginary ones.” The poem is not so good, but it does get something right: the ease with which human beings get lost when they have to try to distinguish what matters and what doesn’t.

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Fumigating Reason

Some of the opposition’s arguments in response to the Health Minstry’s recommendation to suspend fumigation would be laughable, if it were not for the fact that they put into play something much too important: the health of many Colombians.

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The Bullying Continues

Based on all the criticism the Inspector General´s Office received (including from those who did not support Petro), some of us thought, mistakenly, that the Inspector General would calm down.

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