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Artículo de Litigio

Dejusticia intervention regarding the invalidity requests of sentence T-445 of 2016 on the popular consultation to decide on mining Pijao

On November 11th, Dejusticia conducted a citizen intervention before the Constitutional Court regarding the invalidation request of sentences T-445 of 2016 presented by the National Mining Agency, the Ministry of Mines and Energy, ASOGRAVAS, the Tolima Miners and Hydrocarbons Association, and the Colombian Mining Association.

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Permitted to Prohibit Mining

The question that everyone asks here in Salento, Quindío is the same I have heard from mayors and social leaders in many municipalities: can the mining titles given by the National Government supercede local decisions to privilege other activities, like tourism, agriculture, or the conservation of water sources.

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Artículo de Litigio

Amicus Curae in Popular Action Case against the Omission of the Ministry of Mines, the National Mining Agency, and Other Entities Responsible for Extending the “Mining Moratorium”

We present an amicus curae in the case in reference with the aim of asking the Office to protect the collective right to the environment, and qualify the decision to allow a window for mining title requests until the conditions for which the moratorium was initially instituted are overcome and to further consider this in future extensions of said moratorium.

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Did the Amazon’s lifesaver get punctured?

The Santos adminsitration’s good intentions in the Amazon have been undone by its own actions. As told by La Silla Vacía, in August 2012 ex-Minster of the Environment Frank Pearl, before leaving office, threw a lifesaver for the Amazon. Pearl released Resolution 1518 of 2012, which establishes that no one can drill any part of the Amazon classified as Forest Reserve (according to Law 2 of 1959) for mining activities, until the Ministry of the Environment zoned the territory. In other words, until it defined which areas of the Amazon territory classified as Forest Reserve– the large majority (see Map 1)– should be protected and which can house economic projects, among them mining.

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