Posts Tagged ‘Ministerio de Agricultura’
Rural Development that Favor Whom?
The rural development model proposed by the National Government, far from facilitating the “democratization” of the land, promotes its concentration and use in favor of large investors.
Read MoreLand Reform in Colombia: One step Forward Two Steps Back
Land reform in Colombia, while politically sensitive, is necessary to stabilize the country and end a violent conflict that has plagued Colombians for more than half a century. Colombia’s internal fighting has deprived millions of their land and livelihood. Adopted in June 2011, Colombia’s Victims and Land Restitution Law, also known as Law 1448, is an important advance in providing restitution for those displaced by the conflict.
Read MoreIntervention against reformatory articles of the Family Agricultural Unit in the National Development Plan
Dejusticia supported the claim of unconstitutionality of Articles 60 and 61 of the National Development Plan because they contain measures that promote land concentration and constitute a step backward in guaranteeing the right of agricultural workers to access land.
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