Posts Tagged ‘Naciones Unidas’
Dejusticia welcomes Mary Lawlor’s appointment as the new UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders
In continuity with the Michel Forst’s work, we hope that the Special Rapporteur will visit Colombia and follow up on the report made by her predecessor
Read MoreStates must guarantee the ESCR of refugees and migrants
The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR) published a new press release clarifying the obligations that derive from the International Covenant on ESCR regarding refugee and migrant populations in each country.
Read MoreViolence against defenders of social rights is, in itself, a violation of ESCR
The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of the United Nations recently reminded States that they have a responsibility to ensure the protection of human rights defenders.
Read MoreTalking about Privacy at the UN
It would do us well to have an arena dedicated to established principles, standards and best practices to protect privacy. A warm welcome for the new Rapporteur.
Read MoreClimate Injustice and Social Movements: Latin America’s Chance
César Rodríguez Garavito writes about the failure of the Climate Change World Summit in Warsaw and on the upcoming meeting in Lima in 2014, that may be the last chance to save the Planet from catastrophe.
Read MoreCoalition Report UN Resolution 1325 on Peace and Democracy in Colombia
Since 2011, Coalition 1325 has drafted a report on UN Security Council´s Resolution 1325 monitoring the implementation of the Resolution in Colombia. This year, given the peace dialogues between the Colombian Government and the FARC-EP, this report is especially important because Resolution 1325 calls upon signatory states to include women in peace processes and post conflict scenarios, and to guarantee the rights of the women victims of armed conflict.
Read MoreIntimacy in the Digital Age
Don’t let them persuade you that your privacy is worth less on the Internet. The general rule is that everyone has a right to intimacy, an abstract area reserved by the law for oneself, ones friends and family.
Read MoreAre the Five Eyes being Short-sighted?
A new United Nations resolution could put a brake on the large scale espionage carried out by countries like the United States.
Read MoreThe United Nations Debates Business and Human Rights
A gathering organized by the UN Working Group may promote international regulation of business and human rights.
Read MoreThe Inspector’s General’s Crusade Against the Environment
Thanks to information sent by several readers, I see that my last column fell short in criticizing the pressure that the Inspetor General’s office asserts on public officers protecting the environment
Read MoreThinking of the Issue of Drugs Alongside the Peace Process
Now that the different peaces and post-conflict scenarios in Colombia are being discussed, it is crucial to include the problem of illicit drug prosecutions in the debate. From what perspectives should we approach this problem so that we don’t make the same mistakes of the past?
Read MoreThe Other Side of the Protest March
While many celebrate Colombia´s World Cup classification, the indigenous people have been marching in protest for over a week.
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