Posts Tagged ‘Plebiscito’
There was no trick
There was no trick because there was no intention to evade the popular will. In a very difficult and volatile context, the government opted for the representative of the people, which is Congress, to interpret and decide whether or not the new agreement met the popular mandate of the plebiscite.
Read MorePeace implementation: was there a trick?
In the plebiscite for peace, some voted for hatred of the FARC; others because they conscientiously read the agreement and rejected it; others came out in anger after reading certain messages, not always accurate, that they received, etc. An obvious question arises: who could interpret and decide whether the changes incorporated into the new agreement genuinely responded to the concerns of those who voted against it?
Read MoreCase of indigenous people from Bojayá who could not vote in the plebiscite is about to reach the Court
An Emberá group claimed their rights to political participation and equality, because in light of their economic situation and geographic isolation, they could not vote on the Peace Agreement. Dejusticia, human rights organizations and indigenous leaders asked the High Court to review the case.
Read MoreCase of indigenous people of Bojayá who could not vote in the plebiscite is about to reach the Court
Through a tutela, a group of Emberá claimed their rights to political participation and equality, because their economic situation and how far they live made it impossible for them to move to endorse the Peace Agreement. Dejusticia, human rights organizations, and indigenous leaders asked the High Court to review the case.
Read MoreTaking religion seriously
The results of the plebiscite to approve the Peace Agreement showed us that it is time to take religion seriously and to dispute the right’s political predominance in spiritual matters.
Read MoreAntidemocratic referendums
Days after the Brexit vote, the economist Kenneth Rogoff publicly opposed referendums and plebiscites like the British one on the European Union or the Colombian one on the peace accord.
Bojayá indigenous people claim their right to vote
Almost 70% of people from Bojayá did not vote on the peace plebiscite. A part of this group was composed by indigenous communities who claim that they were not able to reach the ballot box.
Read MoreNew agreement and disagreement
Accounting for the proportions, the equivalent to the construction of an avenue in a few days that later completely collapsed in Japan was for us the discussion and agreement of the peace accord in Havana.
Read MoreWe need more, not less democracy
Many have criticized the government’s decision to call a plebiscite on October 2nd. Popular ratification was not judicially necessary. Even some, like Montealegre or Ferrajoli, claim that it was judicially questionable. For these reasons, several, including the president, have suggested that eventually, a new accord should not be subject to a popular referendum.
Read MoreMap of proposals of the NO spokespeople
This table, elaborated by Dejusticia and the Colombian Commission of Jurists, compiles the main proposals of the political leaders of the NO.
Read MoreTrust for peace
A peace accord that does not count with a broad social and political backing will be hard to implement in the practice, even if it finds judicially appropriate ways.
Read MoreWithout judicial tricks
Democracy demands that we accept the results of ballot boxes, even when we don’t agree with them.
Read MoreDemocracy for peace
The analyses on the plebiscite have focused on explaining where and why the NO won. They have ignored the greatest worry: that the majority of voters did not vote
Read MoreSo close and yet so fragile
The current situation in the country is dramatic: the pacific solution to our armed conflict is very close…and yet so fragile.
Read MoreOrganizations across the world say YES to peace in Colombia
More than 60 civil society organizations around the world, including Dejusticia, sign this declaration supporting the YES to the plebiscite for peace in Colombia.
Read More#PlebiSÍto: Dejusticia explains the reasons to vote YES to the peace agreements
The plebiscite about the peace agreements is a unique opportunity to write our future differently. That is why Dejusticia proposes to write #PlebiSÍto.
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