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Artículo de Litigio

Dejusticia Asks the Court Not to Annul Its Ruling About Women’s Right to Voluntary Pregnancy Interruption, Following a Request from the Public Prosecutor’s Office

The Constitutional Court has announced that if one of its rulings constitutes an ostensible, proven, significant, and transcendental violation of due process, it itself will proceed to declare the annulment of that decision.

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Harsh Rebuke of the Inspector General

The State Council´s decision on March 26th overturning Medellin Mayor Alonso Salazar´s removal from office and 12 year ban on holding public office imposed by the Inspector General Office, not only corrects a great injustice. It is also a harsh rebuke of the Inspector General´s Office for being so arbitrary in its decisions.

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The Bullying Continues

Based on all the criticism the Inspector General´s Office received (including from those who did not support Petro), some of us thought, mistakenly, that the Inspector General would calm down.

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More on Petro’s Removal from Office

There is an crucial legal issue in Petro’s removal from office that has hardly been discussed. It is the following issue: Even if you accept that the Inspector General has the power to remove a mayor, it would have to be done through a rigorous and demanding process, that was not carried out in Petro’s case.

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The Law as a Form of Politics

Carl Von Clausewitz once said that war is the continuation of politics through other means. Many Colombians think that something similar happened with the law here; that is, the the legal debates are a continuations of politics by other means. At least that appears to be the opinion of the 73 percent of residents of Bogota who believe the removal of their mayor Petro from office was unjust.

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Unqualified to Disqualify?

This is about a key decision in defining the powers of the Inspector General’s Office regarding political rights. In the debate about the removal from office of Bogota’s mayor and his disqualification from holding elected office imposed by the Inspector General, the decision but the Inter-American Court in a similar case in Venezuela has been mentioned a lot.

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Petro’s International Option

Since the day mayor Gustavo Petro´s legal team learned of the Inspector General’s Office’s decision to remove him from office and ban him from holding public office for 15 years, the team began to look North. They set their eyes on Washington, where the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights is located.

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Artículo de Litigio

Challenge to the election of Dr. Alejandro Ordoñez Maldonado as Inspector General

Dejusticia, the Colombian Commission of Jurists, the Center for Constitutional Studies PLURAL, the Corporation Viva la Ciudadanía and Foro por Colombia challenged the election of Dr. Alejandro Ordoñez as Inspector General before the Supreme Court of Administrative Law (Conseil d´Etat)

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