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One Step towards Indigenous Citizenship

Sometimes crucial change occurs silently. While the rest of the country debated the minutia of the balance of powers reform, the Government paid its two-decade old debt to indigenous communities: the promise of the 1991 Constitution to grant them the right to administer their territories and organize their affairs with greater autonomy. Without much ceremony, a decree with an unforgettable number (1953) took this past October 7th a memorable step towards the restoration of full citizenship rights to indigenous peoples.

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Artículo de Litigio

Intervention in the Case of Belo Monte

The Inter-American Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA), the Center for the Study of Law, Justice and Society (DEJUSTICIA), the Socio-Environmental Institute (ISA), The Yudjá Mïratu da Volta Grande do Xingu Indigenous Association (AYMÏX) and the Indigenous Missionary Council (CIMI) presented before the Supreme Federal Court of Brazil written memo that shows the illegality of the Congressional permit for the Belo Monte dam.

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The Wiwa People and the Ranchería Dam (Documentary)

In the 2005, the INCODER began the construction of the El Cercado Dam on the Ranchería River. The government issued the construction license for the dam violating the right of the indigenous peoples of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta to prior consultation. In this documentary, members of the Wiwa People share how their physic and cultural survival was threatened by the construction and their means of resistance they have developed to challenge the Dam.

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Artículo de Litigio

Amicus about the Rights of Indigenous Populations

Dejusticia, the Global Justice and Human RightsProgram at Universidad de los Andes, and the Law School Clinics at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú and Stanford presented an amicus curiae challenging the constitutionality of guidelines regulating the Official Data Base of Indigenous and Native Peoples in Peru.

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Artículo de Litigio

Intervention in tutela for the protection of the conformation of community action groups in San Lorenzo

The Governor of the indigenous community of San Lorenzo filed a tutela against the government of Riosucio in order to stop it from promoting the formation of community action groups within the reservation. We argue that the promotion of these groups, undertaken without the consent of the authorities in the cabildo, is a violation of autonomy and the right to ethnic and cultural diversity of the Embera community of San Lorenzo who decided, through its legitimate authority, to not constitute the formation of such groups within the reservation.

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Artículo de Litigio

Citizen Intervention: tutela against the Ministry of Transport and others for violations of the right to prior consultation and territory

In this amicus, support for the arguments advanced by the Colombian Commission of Jurists in order to suspend the construction of a road that crosses indigenous reservations as well as gold mining exploration such until the indigenous peoples affected (Embera, Katío y Embera, Dobida) have been consulted with.

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