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Multiculturalism, for what?

However, before responding, I had a second thought, and images of indigenous peoples mobilizing to vindicate their right to prior consultation, and the happiness of an Afro-descendant community when it received its collective land title.

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Punishing Racism

The cases of the Barcelona soccer player Danil Alves and of the owner of the Clippers, LA’s basketball team, say a lot about the most effective ways of punishing racism. They are very different from the punishment of spending time in jail that has become so popular here.

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Artículo de Litigio

Intervention: Tutela Writ Against the Artistic Project “Blanco Porcelana”

The Constitutional Court invited us opine on the tension between freedom of expression and artistic creation, and the right to privacy and the reputation, in the context of artwork that addresses racial discrimination.

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The Statue of Liberty… Chained

The Statue of Liberty has traditionally been a symbol for immigrants to the United States, representing their arrival to a free country. But considering how rapidly the prison population has grown, the Statue of Liberty should now be displayed in chains.

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