Posts Tagged ‘Reforma a la justicia’
A single court?
The problem of “a single court,” proposed by Uribismo, is that in the concrete situation of Colombia, it contributes very little to the solution of the problems of our judicial system, and on the contrary, presents many risks.
Read MoreWhat justice reforms?
Several presidential candidates propose a justice reform; some have even said that they will hold a Constituent Assembly to achieve it. But beyond that, the candidates could discuss policies that would strengthen access to justice and the system’s legitimacy.
Read MoreThe Trouble Caused by Seeking to Replace the Higher Council of the Judiciary
Was the remedy worse than the disease? Infographic.
Read MoreRodrigo Uprimny Intervnes in Hearing Regarding the Balance of Powers Reform
Last March 30th there was a hearing about the complaint presented by the Nation’s Public Prosecutor, Eduardo Montealegre against the Balance of Powers Reform. This was Rodrigo Uprimny’s contribution.
Read MoreLessons from the Judicial Strike
Although on Friday courts re-opened, the judiciary’s structural problems persist without real solutions: judges and stuff, alongside government bodies, are responsible for improvising the implementation of reforms.
Read MoreIs the new judicial governance model adopted by the Legislative Act 02 of 2015 or “Balance of Powers Reform” constitutional? Rodrigo Uprimny intervenes in public hearing before the Constitutional Court
On September 9th, 2015 Rodrigo Uprimny participated in a public hearing called by the Constitutional Court during the process of assessing the constitutionality of the Legislative Act 02 of 2015 or the “balance of powers reform.” In his intervention, Rodrigo Uprimny argues that the balance of power reform did not replace the fundamental pillar of judicial independence by modifying the 1991 Constitution’s model of judicial governance.
Read MorePublic Hearing on the Balance of Powers
Rodrigo Uprimny will give expert testimony this September 9th before the Constitutional Court.
Read MoreForum in Bogotá about the Challenges of Judicial Administration
Carolina Villadiego will intervene on behalf of Dejusticia.
Read MoreThe Solicitor General’s Invalidity
The Solicitor General, in an interview last Wednesday, stated that the litigation that seeks for the Council of State to anull his reelection does not have any legal substance and are motivated by criminal and political interests.
Read MoreHow Does the Judiciary Fare in the Balance of Powers Reform?
Congress finally approved the balance of power reforms that ammends the Constitution and includes changes to the state structure.
Read MoreThe Borges’ Encyclopedia of the Balance of Power Reform
Beyond if what lawmakers have approved in the balance of powers reform is good or bad, it teaches us a lesson on how not to do a constitutional reform in the future.
Read MoreDiscrediting Is Not Debating
Democracy is government through public discussion. It aims to have society come to better informed and fair collective decisions through public debate on collective issues that is rational and transparent.
Read MoreThe Balance of Powers Reform: An Infographic
The pros and cons of four important points of the Reform to the Balance of Powers according to our analysis.
Read MoreHave the Courts Won?
The reform to the judiciary’s governance in the Balance of Powers bill has positive aspects but also some worrying “details,” which if not corrected in the finalized bill, not only would hamper its modernizing potential, but also would imply a step back.
Read MoreBorn Before Your Time
The Swiss scientist said once: “Those who believe in progress are destined to lament being born before their time.”
Read MoreTrimming Pork
Although far from being perfect, the reform to the judiciary that is currently in Congress brings positive and important changes that need to be kept and improved.
Read MoreGovernance and Administration of the Judiciary
Analysis of the reform proposals in the balance of powers project.
Read MoreMonitoring Criminal Sanctions imposed on Teenagers: Formulating a Methodolgy
In this document we describe the watch group monitoring criminal sanctions imposed on teenagers under the Criminal Responsibility System for Teenagers (SRPA in Spanish).
Read MoreFriends of the “Tutela” Writ
A mistaken defense of the “tutela” write is leading to the reform that many critics of this vital tool to protect citizens rights have sought.
Read MoreJustice and State Legitimacy
In “The City of God”, San Agustin tells the story of how Alejandro Magno captured a pirate and asked him why he robbed in the seas.
Read MoreWith Three Articles
It is possible to limit the greater institutional risks of the Inspector General’s Office and the worst personal excesses of Inspector General Ordóñez without changing the Constitution; we just need a short law with three articles.
Read MoreSecond Attempt at Judicial Reform: What is Essential?
After the last failure, we are still waiting for a proposal that will allow us to overcome the three main problems in the judicial system. A key issue is to reform the Superior Council of the Judiciary, which has brought so much discredit to the judicial branch.
Read MoreA Surgical Judicial Reform?
The recent scandals about corruption in the Judicial branch are serious and they add to other deficiencies of the judicial system, like it’s slowness in certain areas. Some, therefore, propose a total reformation of the judicial system, as if it had collapsed.
Read MoreExperiences in Latin American Countries on the Investigation of Complex Crimes
In this document we describe some of the experiences in the region’s countries regarding the investigation of complex crimes.
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