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The empty land déjà vu: The Constitutional Court can prevent us from going back a decade

“An important proportion of the large concessions of empty land between 1849-1872 was for cinchona bark extraction (…) Among the bark sellers that obtained concessions on empty land, there were people who had significant fortunes, and other that had been State high officials or had links to government. Among them were also investors and foreigners. Other export products had a similar weight such as tobacco, rubber, indigo plans, and coffee (…)”

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The déjà vu of untitled lands: the Constitutional Court can prevent us from returning a century

“A large proportion of the untitled land concessions between 1849-1872 was for the extraction of cinchona bark (…)  Among the merchants of the bark who obtained  concessions were persons with significant fortunes, and others who had been high officials of the State or had ties to the government. Among them there were also foreign investors. Other export products such as tobacco, rubber, indigo and coffee had a similar fate (…)

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Artículo de Litigio

Intervention in Litigation against the Law of Zones of Interest of Rural, Social, and Economic Development (ZIDRES)

The intervention regards the constitutionality litigation of Law 1776 of 2016 (Law Zidres), which began due to different litigation that are currently being revised by the Constitutional Court.

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