Este texto es una traducción al inglés del documento “Cuidados paliativos: El abordaje de la atención en salud desde un enfoque de derechos humanos”, publicada en agosto de 2016. En esta edición la información estadística no fue actualizada.
This report compiles the results of a research project aimed at describing the current palliative care situation in eight Latin American countries.
The project’s general objective—to raise awareness and influence public policy around the need to approach palliative care from a human rights
perspective—was achieved through rapprochement among professionals from various fields in the region, which in and of itself is a key step
forward in terms of bringing together communities that defend patients’ rights with communities that advocate a drug policy embracing a public
health focus.
Le puede interesar: Los cuidados paliativos y su estado en Latinoamérica
We hope that this diagnostic report is useful for professional associations, health professionals, patients’ rights advocates, drug policy reform
activists, and decision makers, who can rely on its findings to better integrate palliative care into general health services and to use human rights
language to promote public policy reform and guarantee the human rights of those in the Americas who suffer from severe and chronic pain.
También puede acceder al micrositio: Cuidados paliativos y derechos humanos en las Américas